Users: Over 3 years of age, taller than 100 cm and weigh less than 100 kg (Preschoolers must have an accompanying guardian over 16 years of age)
1300yen(Over 3 years old)
20 minute rotation system
(up to 10people can take part at once)
※ We will close reception as soon as we reach full capacity.
Approximate required time: 40 mins.
※Final admission is at 16:00. Please note that we may close earlier than the final admission time due to large crowds.
*Children under 3 years old are not allowed to enter.
*Preschoolers are required to enter with parent.
#NinjaClimbing #SHINOBORI #Experience #Event #Ninja #Climbing #Sports
Climb the huge dragon-like tower made of 8 balls. Climb by grabbing on to the footholds on the sides of each ball.
When you’ve made it to the top you may announce your success by sounding the mounted gong. Depending on where you begin, There are 3 different courses and corresponding levels of difficulty depending on your starting point.
This mysterious tower is twisted four-dimensionally. A true ninja has to be able to climb up any surface. Let’s climb while choosing where we place our feet with the utmost caution!
Ring the bell when you’ve reached the top! If you can make it all the way up without holding on to anything, you can call yourself an advanced ninja!
Push the start button to begin the countdown. When you reach the top, press the goal button to stop the timer and find out how long you took.
If you’ve made it within 10 seconds, you’re an advanced ninja! Let’s keep practicing to shorten our times.
In this tower, two contestants face each other with a transparent wall between them. The game is to compete to see who can reach the top first.
A large taiko drum is mounted at the summit, and only the winner may sound it.
This tower is a true test of courage. Walk along the summit of towers lined up like trees in a grove and stand on the edge of the tallest tree. Each uncertain step is a thrilling experience of its own.
Finish off by leaping to the ground. Let’s try for a perfect landing!
Here’s the ultimate test of courage. Leap from the small foothold on a 7-meter ladder to sandbags hanging mid-air.
Cling on for 3 seconds to get an advanced ninja certification. (Participation to this activity is subject to a lucky draw, and the user restriction is different from the other activities.)