Hello there everyone,
Today we will write about one of the biggest events that the Toei Kyoto Studio Park has to offer. Same as last year, we will organize the KYOTO SAMURAI FESTIVAL, on Feb.29 (Sat.) and Mar.1(Sun.)
Many events, attractions, shows, cultural experiences and things to try out eat and buy, are waiting for your visit, here are some of them:
- Japanese “Movie Archives” tour
Here you will be able to see with your eyes historical movie items and props that made the history of Japanese movie culture, such as the first Japanese animated feature film “Hakujaden”
- Movie set tour
Enjoy together one of our actors the beauties of the open set, used to shoot movies of national and international fame! An English guidance will be offered as well, for you not to miss out one secret of your favorite Japanese vintage movies!

- Sword fight lecture and sword fight video projection
Become a real samurai with this popular event. To satisfy the big number of guests we will receive
a big hall has been prepared as the perfect set for your lecture. Follow the samurai teachers and
learn the way of ancient Japanese warriors.

More than this you will be able to join various cultural experiences, such as:
The “Zori” production workshop (limited to 10 guests per session).
Get to build up your own traditional sandals made of straw! An experience you can’t join
anywhere else. Very entertaining just to watch as well!
- Candle workshop (available anytime)
very rare event joined by real candle craftsmen that will show and teach you how to prepare and
paint candles. You will be given the occasion to purchase them as well, being a very cute souvenir
to present your friends back home!
- Ninja VR experience
Get to become a real ninja in the virtual ambience created through virtual reality that won the
Kyoto Digital Amusement Park prize in 2019.
These and many others event are waiting for you. And even after you join all of them, things won’t
get less fun, as you will have free time to spend in the Studio Park, joining other events, taking
pictures and sharing them on your SNS.

Please acknowledge that both days, the events will start in the morning from 10:00 to 11:30 for
the first group of 30 guests, and then from 11:00 to 12:30 for the second group
This big event will be offered only to the first 200 guests that will apply for it, so do not lose time
and come visiting us for this extraordinary experience!